Bound for Glory September 12 2017, 10 Comments


-to walk or run with leaping strides

-traveling toward

-sure it will happen because it is a natural consequence of something that is already known or exists



-resplendent beauty or magnificence

-a state of great splendor, magnificence or prosperity

-a state of absolute happiness, gratification, contentment

-the splendor and bliss of heaven

This is probably the simplest blog I’ll ever write because there really isn’t more I can say other than, LISTEN TO THIS SONG!! 

I first heard it on a training run the summer after Bryer went to heaven, and I so wished I had heard it before he left!  I would have played this with praise on my lips at his service. It makes me so happy for him and fills my heart with such hope of what’s to come in my life.

We are all bound for something.  Shouldn’t it be glory!?!

Verse 1:

This world is not my home

I'm here for a moment

It's all I've ever known

But this world is not my home

The fight is not my own

These burdens aren't my future

The empty tomb has shown

I am bound for glory


I am free because I'm bound

I am bound for heavens gate

Where my feet will stand on holy ground

I am bound for glory

Verse 2:

The saving work is done

Death is not my ending

My God has overcome

I am bound for glory


All my pain, hurt and shame

Gone when Jesus calls my name

Endless joy endless praise

All when Jesus calls my name
